Hearts and Rockets return with a brand new single and video, and they’re celebrating with a virtual launch as part of Leaps and Bounds Music Festival 7pm, Saturday June 20. Make sure you’re watching via facebook.com/heartsandrocketsband, when Kalindy and Kurt will play a set of new songs and old favourites before premiering the video for their next single, Milk Bar. They’ll also be answering your questions afterward!
Milk Bar was introduced into the band’s live set in late 2019 and quickly became a live favourite. Essentially a dream shopping list for anyone that grew up in Australia in the ‘80s and ‘90s, set to a catchy bass hook and some classic H&R repetitive synth and 808 beats. facebook.com/heartsandrocketsband
You can ‘pay what you feel’ for the new single Milk Bar via heartsandrockets.bandcamp.com